Friday, March 1, 2013

WRAD Blogging Challenge - Snapshots of My Reading Life

This week's World Read Aloud Blogging Challenge is to feature a snapshop of your reading life.  I chose to show shapshotS.  I thought I'd show you a few places in my house where books are waiting to be read:
This is on my coffee table tonight because I'm getting ready for Tanya Lee Stone's Skype visit with my students next week.  I'll keep this circulating in my classes after I finish.

I spent a wonderful day at the Dublin Literacy Conference on Saturday and bought a bag full of books!  His Name Was Raoul Wallenberg by Louise Borden is peeking out the top.  It's signed!

This is the table by my couch in the family room.  On top is our church's Lenten Devotional created by a ministry team I am a part of - I've tried to read one each day during Lent.  A Dog Called Homeless won the Schneider Award this year, and I loved the cover, so it's waiting to be read, along with Lisa Genova's newest and a book my husband picked out on a date at Joseph-Beth's Bookstore.  Yep - we have dates at Joseph-Beth's!  Isn't he a good husband?  We try to read a book together once and awhile so we can talk about it.  We read Divergent and Pandemonium together recently.  I talked him into young adult books! 

This is my kitchen counter.  I just opened up a package on my doorstep containing these two books. I ordered Change Me Into Zues's Daughter for my adult book club at the end of March, and Smile for March's #SharpSchu's Twitter book club.  I have one class devouring graphic novels, so Smile will circulate in there after I'm done.

This is the table by my bed. 

This is one of my favorite spots to read - in the sunroom.  Right now, my cat has taken over my spot.  I have a pile of books waiting on the end table out there.

I just picked these two books up at the library.

Think I have my reading life cut out for me?  I could also do another post on my students' and my reading life at school.  Another day....

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful picture of a reading life. The variety, locations, and stacks of all these marvelous books inspire all of us to incorporate the written word in our homes. How books do warm and cozy-up every room in the house!
