Thanks to Kid Lit Frenzy, I made a goal to read more children's nonfiction this year which I will be featuring on my blog every Wednesday.
Before I review my nonfiction picture book, I'm so excited to say I got to MEET Alyson Beecher! Yay! She is lovely - I only wish I could've spent more time with her, but NCTE is a whirlwind. Next time! Thanks for all you do for children's literature, Alyson!
Alyson, me, Cindy Minnich
Here is the nonfiction book I read this week:

2012-book, biography, holocaust, nonfiction, nonfiction-challenge-2013, performance-art, picture-book, war
Several people recommended this to me at NCTE in Boston when looking through sale books, so of course I bought it! I knew of Monsieur Marceau, but I didn't know about his role in the Holocaust, joining the French underground and saving hundreds of Jewish children by leading them out of occupied France, over the Alps, and into Switzerland. Sparse writing but beautiful illustrations will introduce children to a fascinating man.
What nonfiction did YOU read this week?
Isn't this a lovely book? And wasn't NCTE such fun?! Here's what I read for nonfiction Monday: