Thursday, October 16, 2014

Spiritual Journey Thursday - Peace

     THANK YOU to Carol Varsalona (@cvarsalona) for enhancing and framing the Spiritual Journey Thursday meme!!  Carol is part of the amazing blogging and Twitter community that encourages, teaches, creates, and writes.  I look forward to Thursday because I learn so much from those who link up.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
He Reigns
arches over us
adorned with His promises,
letting us know
that all is well.
All is well.
arches over us
delivering His grace;
assuring us
we have a Savior.
We are saved.
arches over us
in all His glory,
reminding us
to be still.
Be still.
arches over us
with power and love
promising us
We are forgiven.
arches over us
affirming our faith
through His creation,
full of beauty.
It's full of beauty.
arches over us,
stopping us in our tracks,
and we know
He reigns.
He reigns.


  1. Beautifully said - following these posts on Thursdays has shifted my perspective. It's a beautiful poem -- and a needed reminder. Have a great day.

  2. WOW! I really love this poem! This is one I'm going to print and carry in my notebook with me. Thank you Holly!!! I love this song too. Great topic this week! Here's my link: Have a great day!

  3. Beautiful poem! That song by Newsboys is one of my VERY favorites! I think I need to play it in the car this morning while watching God's creation surround me with His peace for the day.

  4. I agree with Amy. The poem is a series of stanzas revolving around a universal premise that peace is presiding over us if we listen and follow. God indeed reigns in our lives. Thank you, Holly, for using the newly enhanced meme. Peace be with you and our community today.

  5. What is it about peace that leads to anaphora in poetry? I also wrote a poem with a repeated phrase. I also made a movie using images and video. The heron flying was taken in my backyard. Peace is a wonderful gift.

  6. Here is my link-up, Holly.
    This is my first attempt at creating a zeno and how perfect that the first would be dedicated to peace. The song by Laura Story that I used is a soothing one to start our day ( Peace to All!
