Sunday, September 20, 2015

DigiLit Sunday - #TheEdCollabGathering


I love that Margaret Simon has started a Sunday Link Up for posts about digital literacy at her blog to challenge us to share our technology journeys.
     Here was the view from where I sat yesterday morning - a cup of steaming fresh coffee at my fingertips, my double computer screens (when my husband first bought the second monitor, I thought he was crazy; obviously, I figured out why it's a great thing!) - one showing Christopher Lehman's live introduction to the day's #EdCollabGathering schedule, and the other with TweetDeck.  In front of me, I had an Evernote notebook open, ready to capture photos and learning from the sessions I chose.  What you don't see is that I was still in my PJs!  FREE PD in your PJs....awesome.  Mornings like these are when I think technology totally rocks. 
     After Chris's introduction, we were treated with Penny Kittle's keynote. After she concluded her address, Chris said he was teary.  I ALWAYS get teary after listening to Penny, so I could completely relate. 
After the keynote, you could choose from several 11:00 AM sessions.  I was interested in the Flipped Classroom session by Markette Pierce, so I tuned in there.  Here is her session.  Lots of great thinking!  It was also fun to see some of my tweets get recognized during her video. ;-)
 You can see my tweets here.  Big takeaways were:  start small, rethink flipping as just videos, after a flipped activity, devote about 10 min. the next day for Q&A, be willing to make mistakes, find collaborators (thanks, Andrea!), and don't let missed homework stop you - treat it like you would any missed homework.
I haven't watched any other sessions yet, but I plan to go back and watch Franki Sibberson and Bill Bass's session on Digital Reading, Tracy Ludwig and Joellen McCarthy's session on Writing for Empathy, and the Closing Session by Kristi Mraz and Christine Hertz.  I also need to go back to last year's Gathering because I didn't see it.
In case you missed this fabulous opportunity for virtual professional development, it's all archived on their YouTube channel, here.  Also, check out Penny's Book Love Foundation, the chosen charity of the morning.  Thank you to all the expert educators at The Educator Collaborative for sharing your knowledge and time with us!!



  1. Thanks for writing about this. I had too much to do to tune in, but I'm glad it's all archived so I can watch later. I subscribed to Penny Kittle's podcasts. Her writing/ speaking is real. I can relate to her so easily. Thanks for linking up today.

  2. Holly, how great that you archived The Ed Collab Gathering videos and your learning. I agree that this PD in PJs is well worth the time we spent listening. Your office set up is amazing.
