Sunday, August 23, 2015

DigiLit Sunday - Instagram

      I love that Margaret Simon has started a Sunday Link Up for posts about digital literacy at her blog to challenge us to share our technology journeys.
This is going to be short and sweet, but I want to keep up the habit of posting DigiLit Sunday posts even when I only have a short one.  As you might know, I had a hard time letting go of my 6th graders last year since I had been their gifted ELA teacher for three years.  There are a few of them on Instagram who follow me, so I decided to follow them back.  As soon as I did, I got two great mentions...

I loved that both of them sent me book-related Instagram messages.  Social media and students is always a controversial topic.  I don't "friend" students on Facebook unless they've graduated, or are in my former district.  However, Instagram is a little different.  I love posting pictures of what I'm reading on Instagram, so I'm hoping kids will get new titles from me. Students can follow me, and like I said, I've only recently followed my former students.  What are your thoughts on students and social media?


  1. I love these! I tend to be more lenient than my district and especially the sped department that seems to always be in hyper mode over privacy. I am friends with some of my students' parents on FB. I am careful about using pictures, but I do use their first names. Connecting with students in literary ways is not only harmless, but it's helpful. You will always be the go-to for "look at what I'm reading."

  2. I'm friends on FB with lots of former, many grown students, Holly, & a few younger, but now in high school. I am friends with some parents which changed a little when I took over a class last year, but I just kept to my blog, etc. & didn't comment so much on their posts. I think it's great that you're using social media to share about reading. Readers do share and you know the kids. Love seeing those posts!
