It's the March Challenge at Two Writing Teachers!
I thought this post was a good excuse to include one of my favorite songs from my favorite musicals!

Cotton candy clouds reflect in the glassy water.

The shadows of the trees split the horizon, the water looking like sky.


Sunset - captured on a walk around the lake trail on an autumn evening - serene ducks.

Dinner with friends as the sunset cast a beautiful glow.

The sunset in the west, behind our house, sometimes reflects on the trees in the east just so, creating this beautiful hue.

Hanging out on the deck after the sun went down. Blue evening.

It snowed a week after we moved in - April 9th!
As the sun set on our previous house and our lives there, it rose in a new phase, and it's a beautiful one!
First day of spring, right before a vicious storm.
In last year's Slice of Life Story Challenge, I wrote memories about the house we lived in for 11 years. We loved the house, but it was too big for us once we became empty nesters. We started opening our minds to downsizing a couple years before we actually found what we wanted - it was an interesting journey. The condo we decided on was in a perfect location - a great community about 3 minutes from my school! It needed a lot of updating, but when we first walked in, we looked past all that and right out the wall to wall windows across the back and to one side of the place. We were captivated by the view - a beautiful lake! We knew we had found the perfect place. So the process began of cleaning out and purging ALL THE STUFF from our house, putting it on the market, and practicing patience until it sold. From the time we bought the condo to when we moved in, a year had past. We moved in on April 1st, 2016, so almost a year ago. We LOVE it. The simplification enriched our lives, and we get to wake up to the most beautiful sunrises. If you're friends with me on social media, you are probably sick of all the pictures of sunrises I post, but there are no two ever the same, and they are stunning. We never get tired of it.
These purples and pinks cloaked the lake in royal robes.
That sun was so bright - ready to shine on us all.

Cotton candy clouds reflect in the glassy water.

The shadows of the trees split the horizon, the water looking like sky.


Sunset - captured on a walk around the lake trail on an autumn evening - serene ducks.

Dinner with friends as the sunset cast a beautiful glow.

The sunset in the west, behind our house, sometimes reflects on the trees in the east just so, creating this beautiful hue.

Hanging out on the deck after the sun went down. Blue evening.

It snowed a week after we moved in - April 9th!
As the sun set on our previous house and our lives there, it rose in a new phase, and it's a beautiful one!
Beautiful pics! And a wonderful slice celebrating the positive power of change.